Incorporation Services
Companies should always carry out thorough research of the market. The habitual question amongst would-be investors is the type of business they should seek.
The most direct way to penetrate the China market is to set up a local presence. There are various forms of investment vehicles available to suit different business objectives and operations.
We can assist you in identifying the business vehicle that is most suitable for you in order to accomplish your goals in China. The preferable option for you depends on your business sector, intended financial commitment, your overall company strategy and goals, the latest regulations of the government authorities, your time frame, and other determinants.
We can assist you in the setup process of all kinds of entities available to foreign investors and arrange for:
China company registration with the relevant authorities
Licenses, permits, and approvals
Contracts and agreements
Advice on financing and funding in China
Stone Compass Associates advises and assists clients in setting up the following entities and operations in Mainland China:
Representative Offices (RO)
Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprises (FICE)
Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE)
Joint Ventures (JV)
Hong Kong Holding Companies
Offshore Companies